Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Greetings!  Sorry for the hiatus.  Ever since the Stockton Market booth fell through, we've been taking stock on our business model and where we want to head towards in the future (we've been taking stock on our actual stock, too).  I'd like to assure you that Bodacious Blends still exists, and we still strive to provide our customers with high quality seasoning blends.

Today, I'd like to share with you a sandwich spread/veggie dip made with Bodacious Blends Overtly Onion Dip Mix!  It's a great way to use up leftover Overtly Onion Dip after a party has left you with a surplus, a situation we've found ourselves in after last Sunday.

Mix 2 tablespoons each of Overtly Onion Dip and your favorite salsa in a small bowl until well blended.  It makes a delicious burger topping, or you can just serve with cucumber slices as a snack.

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